Hi All,
We are so very excited that the club is officially open for summer business! It is currently “Swim at Your Own Risk”, but lifeguards will be on duty with the launch of our summer After School Party. (Diving boards will also be up at this time.) Please join us from 6:00-8:00 PM on May 22nd for fun and a delicious ice cream social. We will need a volunteer to help out, so please reply if you are available and interested. (This would count as 2 hours of your 4 hour Work Day credit. Volunteer needed from 5:30-7:30.)
Also, please put our amazing Annual Memorial Day Party on your calendar- Monday, May 27, 2019. Planning is underway, and is certain to be a fantastic time! We need some help with the pig roast, set up, and clean up, and this year we have a sign up for food. Click here for party details, and to add your name to the fun:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090d45a5af22a1fa7-memorial
Can’t wait to see you all!