I hope this emil finds you well and ready for summer fun! We have had the busiest start to the pool season in many years. I hope you have come out and relaxed by our beautifully renovated pool.
Below are some items regarding the pool.
– Lifeguards will begin Friday, May 22.
-At the end of the evening when the guards clean up and shut down the pool, everyone is expected to exit the pool area.
-Pool hours without a lifeguard are sun up to sun down.
-Diving boards are not to be used if lifeguards are not present.
-No glass is permitted inside the gate.
-If you drink a beverage while in the pool, please make sure you are standing at the side of the pool and not walking in the pool with your drink.
-Please do not prop the gate open for any reason. This is a Gwinnett County policy and the pool will be shut down.
-Board members will be spot checking to make sure members have signed in and their guests are written on the sign in sheet. Please be polite, we are trying to maintain the integrity and high standards of the club you pay for.This is also a way to meet new members.
-Please be mindful of non-member teenagers hanging out at the gate waiting to follow you in.
-At the end of swim team practice, children should be pickup by a parent and not left unattended.
-Andrew is the name of our new head guard.
-During Swim Team practice (the pool is not closed, but they use part of the pool)
Weekdays 9AM-11AM
Weeknights 7:30-8:30
-During home swim meets the pool is closed: June 4th, June 11th, and June 29th.
Swim end of season party: July 9th at 6:00 (pool is open, but FYI- will have many people at the party)
Pool Lifeguard Hours:
The day after school ends- day before the first day of school
Monday thru Thursday: 11am-9: 00pm
Friday and Saturday: 11am-11pm
Sunday: noon-9pm
Post Summer hours (when school begins until Labor Day)
Monday-Friday: 4-8pm
Saturday – Sunday: same as summer hours
I know this was a lot of information. Please do not hesitate to call or email me with any questions or concerns.
See you at the pool soon!
Category: ROSRC News