Dear Club Member:
In accordance with Article VIII, Section 2, the Board of Directors set the dues for the current semi-annual billing period at $250. Payment is due by March 1, 2015.
Furthermore, dues not paid in full by March 15, 2015 are subject to a 10% ($25.00) per month late penalty and all rights and privileges will be suspended until dues are paid in full. Late fees will be waived the first month as this is the first notice sent by mail.
Checks should be made payable to River Oak Swim and Racquet Club, Inc. and mailed to:
River Oak Swim and Racquet Club, Inc.
c/o Patrick Ragan, Treasurer
2959 Kelly Court
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044
Your prompt attention is appreciated.
Patrick Ragan
In an attempt to save on postage I plan on only mail notices to those whose dues I do not receive prior to March 15, 2015. Thanks in advance for your timely dues remittance and please let me know should you have any questions with respect to your dues status.
If your email account is not listed with us, please update it with me. I will pass it on to Michael Falk for his records so you can receive ROSRC notices and newsletters timely via e-mail. My e-mail is [email protected] should you have questions of me.